In addition to delicious, nutrient-rich squid. There are proteins, minerals, and various vitamins. Its liquid ink, useful for fighting tumors. The squid is one of a family of marine animals Loliginidae, class Cephalopoda. In Latin, the squid known as Loligo spp, whereas in English squid.
In Indonesia, the squid is known by several terms, such as Enus, nus, cuttlefish, or sontong interest. Marine animals are generally caught at night using kerosene lamps as a light roller. They generally liked the light at night. The crowd squid can be caught by using a trap, lift nets, gill nets, trawl rings, shrimp trawl, longline tuna, or holdings.
The squid is one type of marine animal that attracted many people, especially fans of seafood and chinese food. In the market, the squid are generally sold in two main forms, fresh and dried salted.
High Protein
Judging from the nutritional value, the squid has incredible nutritional content because of high protein content, which is 17.9 g/100 g fresh calamari. Meat squid has advantages compared with other marine products, ie no spine, easily digestible, has a distinctive flavor and aroma, and contain all the essential amino acids needed by the body. Essential amino acids are the dominant leucine, lysine, and phenylalanine. While nonessential amino acid levels is predominantly glutamic acid and aspartic acid.
Both of these amino acids contribute greatly to the emergence of savory flavors and savory. That is why, naturally squid has savory flavors, so the processing does not need to be added flavoring (such as monosodium glutamate = MSG).
Sep 16, 2012
Cumi-Cumi Tame Tumors
Besides delicious, the squid is also rich in nutrients. There are proteins, minerals, and various vitamins. Its liquid ink, useful for fighting tumors. The squid is one of a family of marine animals Loliginidae, class Cephalopoda. In Latin, the squid known as Loligo spp, whereas in English known as squid.
In Indonesia, the squid is known by several terms, such as Enus, nus, cuttlefish, or sontong interest. Animals are usually caught at night using kerosene lamps as a light roller. They generally liked the light at night. The crowd squid can be caught by using a trap, lift nets, gill nets, trawl rings, shrimp trawl, longline tuna, or holdings.
High Protein
Judging from the nutritional value, the squid has incredible nutritional content. Protein content is high, ie 17.9 g/100 g fresh calamari. Meat squid has advantages compared with other marine products, ie no spine, easily digestible, has a distinctive flavor and aroma, and contain all the essential amino acids needed by the body. Essential amino acids are the dominant leucine, lysine, and phenylalanine. While nonessential amino acid levels is predominantly glutamic acid and aspartic acid.
Both of these amino acids contribute greatly to the emergence of savory flavors and savory. That is why, naturally squid has savory flavors, so the processing does not need to be added flavoring (such as monosodium glutamate = MSG).
The squid also contains several types of micro and macro minerals in very high. Levels of minerals contained in the squid vary widely even within the same species. This variation depends on the circumstances of life, size, and age.
Important minerals in the squid are sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, and selenium. Phosphorus and calcium are useful for the growth of skeleton, so it is important for children's growth and prevent osteoporosis in old age. Beside rich in protein, squid is also a good source of vitamins, such as vitamin B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B12, niacin, folic acid, and fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K).
The squid also contain TMAO (trimethyl Amin Oxide) is quite high. This high TMAO gives a distinctive flavor to the meat of squid. Squid meat also contains monoamino nitrogen causes the squid has a sweet taste. High sulfur content in the squid squid also cause a fishy smell when being subjected to cooking like boiling.
Cholesterol alert
Fat content in meat squid is relatively low, at 7.5 g/100 g of material, each containing 1.9 g saturated fat, 2.7 g monounsaturated fatty acids, as well as 2.1 g polyunsaturated fatty acids . Included in the polyunsaturated fatty acids are omega-3 that can lower the cholesterol content in the blood.
However, excessive consumption of squid should be avoided due to fairly high levels of cholesterol, which reached 260 mg/100 g of material. In the group of marine fish, cholesterol in squid, shrimp, lobster, and crab, is quite high. However, cholesterol in fish products is still relatively low compared with egg yolk, liver, offal and animal brains.
The thing to remember about cholesterol is that we have to prevent the nature of phobias. However in a reasonable amount of cholesterol is needed by our body, good for the growth of cells (including brain cells) as well as the synthesis of sex hormones and vitamin D.
In humans, cholesterol itself can be synthesized in the body, which is in the liver, cortex, adrenal, skin, intestine, testis, stomach, muscle, adipose tissue, and brain. Approximately 17 percent of the dry weight of the brain composed of cholesterol. Without cholesterol, the brain structure is not likely formed.
According to the guidelines issued by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), total cholesterol level is good for the human body is under 200 mg / dl, HDL over 35 mg / dl, LDL less than 130 mg / dl, and triglycerides less than 250 mg / dl. Cholesterol levels above 200 mg / dl may pose a threat of various diseases, such as atherosclerosis (clogged arteries), stroke, and coronary heart disease.
Although it is considered dangerous, cholesterol is still needed by the body. The average human need 1100 milligrams of cholesterol per day to maintain cell walls and other physiological functions. Of these 25-40 percent (200-300 mg) is normally derived from food and the rest is synthesized by the body.
Therefore, the consumption of cholesterol within reasonable limits of no more than 300 mg per day are needed. So, you do not have to worry about cholesterol in squid. Because if you avoid the squid, would mean losing other nutrients enormous usefulness for health.
White blood Activate
A squid may avoid predators nimbly through rapid muscle contractions. If the rapid movement alone is not enough, ink jet and dark clouds will be removed from the body, so that the enemy was surprised for a moment. Panic enemy gives sufficient time for the squid to escape immediately.
Squid ink fluid are alkaloids, so it is not favored by predators, especially fish. Dark colored liquid contains grains of melanin or pigment black. Melanin is a natural melanoprotein containing 10-15 percent protein. Melanin binds proteins via sulfur-containing amino acids, namely cysteine.
In addition, the squid also have protection system by varying the color of the skin quickly, sometimes blue, white, red, or brown. This color change is due to the chromatophore which is elastic bag containing red or yellow pigment.
Pigment cells which are surrounded by elastic ties that muscle cells can contract quickly, so that the pigment cells become large and lead to a clearer color. This mechanism resulted squid can change color quickly if given outside stimuli. The system is also used color changes squid as a means of communication.
Based on research conducted by Hiroki University in Japan, squid ink and cuttlefish have many uses, which can activate white blood cells to fight tumors. It has been tested on 15 rats with the disease malignant tumor. Mice were given an injection of three doses of fluid cuttlefish ink, and as a result, only three mice died, the rest remain alive.
In the meantime, as a control, 15 other mice were also suffering from malignant tumors, similar injections were not given, and all died within three weeks. There is no certainty medically squid ink and cuttlefish can cure cancer or tumors, but the squid ink is thought to contain many vitamins, namely vitamin A.
During this squid ink not widely known, especially in the food service industry. Squid ink is often not removed and left in the squid meat. However, some countries, like Italy, has been used as one of the squid ink pasta seasoning. In Japan, squid ink bag (sepio melanin) that black is used as a preservative and to enhance flavor salted squid.
If you like it, the ink does not need to be removed from the squid, but edible. Nothing to worry about ink substance that dense. Some people just assume the ink substance essential for flavor enhancers
In Indonesia, the squid is known by several terms, such as Enus, nus, cuttlefish, or sontong interest. Animals are usually caught at night using kerosene lamps as a light roller. They generally liked the light at night. The crowd squid can be caught by using a trap, lift nets, gill nets, trawl rings, shrimp trawl, longline tuna, or holdings.
High Protein
Judging from the nutritional value, the squid has incredible nutritional content. Protein content is high, ie 17.9 g/100 g fresh calamari. Meat squid has advantages compared with other marine products, ie no spine, easily digestible, has a distinctive flavor and aroma, and contain all the essential amino acids needed by the body. Essential amino acids are the dominant leucine, lysine, and phenylalanine. While nonessential amino acid levels is predominantly glutamic acid and aspartic acid.
Both of these amino acids contribute greatly to the emergence of savory flavors and savory. That is why, naturally squid has savory flavors, so the processing does not need to be added flavoring (such as monosodium glutamate = MSG).
The squid also contains several types of micro and macro minerals in very high. Levels of minerals contained in the squid vary widely even within the same species. This variation depends on the circumstances of life, size, and age.
Important minerals in the squid are sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, and selenium. Phosphorus and calcium are useful for the growth of skeleton, so it is important for children's growth and prevent osteoporosis in old age. Beside rich in protein, squid is also a good source of vitamins, such as vitamin B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B12, niacin, folic acid, and fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K).
The squid also contain TMAO (trimethyl Amin Oxide) is quite high. This high TMAO gives a distinctive flavor to the meat of squid. Squid meat also contains monoamino nitrogen causes the squid has a sweet taste. High sulfur content in the squid squid also cause a fishy smell when being subjected to cooking like boiling.
Cholesterol alert
Fat content in meat squid is relatively low, at 7.5 g/100 g of material, each containing 1.9 g saturated fat, 2.7 g monounsaturated fatty acids, as well as 2.1 g polyunsaturated fatty acids . Included in the polyunsaturated fatty acids are omega-3 that can lower the cholesterol content in the blood.
However, excessive consumption of squid should be avoided due to fairly high levels of cholesterol, which reached 260 mg/100 g of material. In the group of marine fish, cholesterol in squid, shrimp, lobster, and crab, is quite high. However, cholesterol in fish products is still relatively low compared with egg yolk, liver, offal and animal brains.
The thing to remember about cholesterol is that we have to prevent the nature of phobias. However in a reasonable amount of cholesterol is needed by our body, good for the growth of cells (including brain cells) as well as the synthesis of sex hormones and vitamin D.
In humans, cholesterol itself can be synthesized in the body, which is in the liver, cortex, adrenal, skin, intestine, testis, stomach, muscle, adipose tissue, and brain. Approximately 17 percent of the dry weight of the brain composed of cholesterol. Without cholesterol, the brain structure is not likely formed.
According to the guidelines issued by the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), total cholesterol level is good for the human body is under 200 mg / dl, HDL over 35 mg / dl, LDL less than 130 mg / dl, and triglycerides less than 250 mg / dl. Cholesterol levels above 200 mg / dl may pose a threat of various diseases, such as atherosclerosis (clogged arteries), stroke, and coronary heart disease.
Although it is considered dangerous, cholesterol is still needed by the body. The average human need 1100 milligrams of cholesterol per day to maintain cell walls and other physiological functions. Of these 25-40 percent (200-300 mg) is normally derived from food and the rest is synthesized by the body.
Therefore, the consumption of cholesterol within reasonable limits of no more than 300 mg per day are needed. So, you do not have to worry about cholesterol in squid. Because if you avoid the squid, would mean losing other nutrients enormous usefulness for health.
White blood Activate
A squid may avoid predators nimbly through rapid muscle contractions. If the rapid movement alone is not enough, ink jet and dark clouds will be removed from the body, so that the enemy was surprised for a moment. Panic enemy gives sufficient time for the squid to escape immediately.
Squid ink fluid are alkaloids, so it is not favored by predators, especially fish. Dark colored liquid contains grains of melanin or pigment black. Melanin is a natural melanoprotein containing 10-15 percent protein. Melanin binds proteins via sulfur-containing amino acids, namely cysteine.
In addition, the squid also have protection system by varying the color of the skin quickly, sometimes blue, white, red, or brown. This color change is due to the chromatophore which is elastic bag containing red or yellow pigment.
Pigment cells which are surrounded by elastic ties that muscle cells can contract quickly, so that the pigment cells become large and lead to a clearer color. This mechanism resulted squid can change color quickly if given outside stimuli. The system is also used color changes squid as a means of communication.
Based on research conducted by Hiroki University in Japan, squid ink and cuttlefish have many uses, which can activate white blood cells to fight tumors. It has been tested on 15 rats with the disease malignant tumor. Mice were given an injection of three doses of fluid cuttlefish ink, and as a result, only three mice died, the rest remain alive.
In the meantime, as a control, 15 other mice were also suffering from malignant tumors, similar injections were not given, and all died within three weeks. There is no certainty medically squid ink and cuttlefish can cure cancer or tumors, but the squid ink is thought to contain many vitamins, namely vitamin A.
During this squid ink not widely known, especially in the food service industry. Squid ink is often not removed and left in the squid meat. However, some countries, like Italy, has been used as one of the squid ink pasta seasoning. In Japan, squid ink bag (sepio melanin) that black is used as a preservative and to enhance flavor salted squid.
If you like it, the ink does not need to be removed from the squid, but edible. Nothing to worry about ink substance that dense. Some people just assume the ink substance essential for flavor enhancers
TIPS: In Order Not Tough Squid
Often when you cook calamari or squid result is not soft or tough when chewed. As a result, you are so not excited anymore enjoy the squid.
Well, the best way to mengempukkan calamari or squid before cooking is to put a slice of kiwi fruit on it. Close the container and put it into the refrigerator for six hours (not more than six hours).
Previously, choose a fresh squid. Alerts include stray odorless, dense flesh, not reddish, and the husk is intact. Squid from traditional markets usually fresher than squid in supermarkets, which have been frozen.
Well, the best way to mengempukkan calamari or squid before cooking is to put a slice of kiwi fruit on it. Close the container and put it into the refrigerator for six hours (not more than six hours).
Previously, choose a fresh squid. Alerts include stray odorless, dense flesh, not reddish, and the husk is intact. Squid from traditional markets usually fresher than squid in supermarkets, which have been frozen.
Sep 8, 2012
Cooking Tips and Healthy With Nutrition Complete
Cooking is very important for a woman. It's in the cook Nowadays women do not matter, but actually cooking it is the duty of a housewife, if we are aware of. These days many women for careers, so the cook probably the last number. We may still be a career woman to help her husband make a living, but do not forget to also carry out duties as a wife. If you all really busy and no maid, popunews will show some tips about cooking. Actually, cooking is not as hard as you think if we intention, skilled, creative and use science cooking recipes, and finally do not be afraid smelly and dirty. With these tips you will get the results insaallah steady and good, if you cook it yourself surely add romance in the family and will know the tastes of the family.
Come together to learn to cook, you're afraid the time out to cook? Do not be afraid because there are also easy to cook recipes, practically, a short time and produce delicious dishes. Want to know the recipe read only recipes that have been presented diartikel popunews, there is provided a variety of recipes from the infant to adult menu.
Here are some tips on cooking with complete nutrition and healthy course:
1. healthy & nutritious foods:
* Contain nutrients: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals.
* Does not contain formaldehyde, dyes, preservatives, and should use reduced use of flavoring ..
* Sanitation and hygenis. regarding sanitation and cleanliness of the kitchen utensils .. especially the use of the sponge should be changed frequently and dried kudu., because germs can quickly berkembangbiakdalam wet conditions. hygienic concerns personal hygiene / hand washing as the cooker before cooking,. hair tied or closed with a chef's hat, kudu nails clean.
Come together to learn to cook, you're afraid the time out to cook? Do not be afraid because there are also easy to cook recipes, practically, a short time and produce delicious dishes. Want to know the recipe read only recipes that have been presented diartikel popunews, there is provided a variety of recipes from the infant to adult menu.
Here are some tips on cooking with complete nutrition and healthy course:
1. healthy & nutritious foods:
* Contain nutrients: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals.
* Does not contain formaldehyde, dyes, preservatives, and should use reduced use of flavoring ..
* Sanitation and hygenis. regarding sanitation and cleanliness of the kitchen utensils .. especially the use of the sponge should be changed frequently and dried kudu., because germs can quickly berkembangbiakdalam wet conditions. hygienic concerns personal hygiene / hand washing as the cooker before cooking,. hair tied or closed with a chef's hat, kudu nails clean.
First Trimester Pregnancy Menu
Since the beginning of pregnancy, the body of a woman has indicated a number of adjustments, including an increase in the hormone progesterone. It is none other than to prepare for the growth of the fetus during labor, and in order to breastfeed the baby to be born later. As a result, the body's need for nutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins and water) during pregnancy is also higher than the previous time.
Eating for two, an expression frequently heard word for pregnant women. However, this does not mean that the pregnant women should consume 2 x number compared to the period before she was pregnant. Importantly, fulfill all the needs of all nutrients. The best diet in pregnancy is a condition of balance between quantity and quality of food consumed. Quantitatively, consume as much food as required calories. While in kalitatif, eat healthy food 4 5 recomm including sources of carbohydrates such as rice, bread, corn, and noodles, side dishes (vegetable and animal), vegetables, fruits and milk. With a balanced and varied menu, conditions are expected to remain healthy in your pregnancy, so that the period is a time of joy for you and your partner.
Four Healthy Five Perfect
Here is a sample menu first trimester pregnant women:
menu 1
* Breakfast: Fried rice oriental, kiwi mango Sorbet
* Hours 10:00: Kroket taro, glass of milk
* Lunch / dinner: rice, papaya fruit, soup snapper, Sop know, papaya fruit, sautéed kale sukiyaki
* Jam 16. oo: pickled fruit
menu 2
* Breakfast: Pancake applesauce, milk chocolate
* Hours 10:00: Porridge pulut
* Lunch / dinner: rice, chicken salad seasoning, mustard greens sauteed corn, pipil, Know genjrot, banana lemon juice
* Hours 16:00: Rojak drawstring
menu 3
* Breakfast: egg salad sandwich, glass of milk
* Hours 10:00: Agar-agar layer coconut
* Lunch / dinner: roast potatoes, seasoning sauce Sirloin, Sauteed broccoli with shrimp, fried Emping, guava passion fruit juice
* Hour 14: Combro
Eating for two, an expression frequently heard word for pregnant women. However, this does not mean that the pregnant women should consume 2 x number compared to the period before she was pregnant. Importantly, fulfill all the needs of all nutrients. The best diet in pregnancy is a condition of balance between quantity and quality of food consumed. Quantitatively, consume as much food as required calories. While in kalitatif, eat healthy food 4 5 recomm including sources of carbohydrates such as rice, bread, corn, and noodles, side dishes (vegetable and animal), vegetables, fruits and milk. With a balanced and varied menu, conditions are expected to remain healthy in your pregnancy, so that the period is a time of joy for you and your partner.
Four Healthy Five Perfect
Here is a sample menu first trimester pregnant women:
menu 1
* Breakfast: Fried rice oriental, kiwi mango Sorbet
* Hours 10:00: Kroket taro, glass of milk
* Lunch / dinner: rice, papaya fruit, soup snapper, Sop know, papaya fruit, sautéed kale sukiyaki
* Jam 16. oo: pickled fruit
menu 2
* Breakfast: Pancake applesauce, milk chocolate
* Hours 10:00: Porridge pulut
* Lunch / dinner: rice, chicken salad seasoning, mustard greens sauteed corn, pipil, Know genjrot, banana lemon juice
* Hours 16:00: Rojak drawstring
menu 3
* Breakfast: egg salad sandwich, glass of milk
* Hours 10:00: Agar-agar layer coconut
* Lunch / dinner: roast potatoes, seasoning sauce Sirloin, Sauteed broccoli with shrimp, fried Emping, guava passion fruit juice
* Hour 14: Combro
American cuisine
Pai apel
American cuisine (Cuisine of the United States) is a kind of culinary developing countries of the United States, ranging from the mainland to the islands of Hawaii. These dishes are popular in the United States of various countries in the world economy and as ekspanasi American restaurant outlets that sell hamburgers, fries, hot dogs, pizza (with its own peculiar) and barbecue. Reflecting the influence of various immigrant and native tribes, the United States cuisine is one of the world's richest culinary.
Hot dog
1. 25 grams of flour
2. pinch of salt
3. 1 egg
4. 250 ml of liquid milk
5. 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1. 20 grams of margarine or butter
2. 5 tablespoons lemon juice
3. 50 grams of caster sugar
How to Make Cake Recipe ala pankeik English:
1. Stir flour and salt. Break the eggs on top. Stir.
2. Add milk little by little into the batter number 1. Stir until smooth. Add the oil and mix until dough is smooth and thickened enough
3. Heat the pan diameter 20 cm, asleep with oil. Pour batter spoonful after spoonful to make a thin omelette (less than ½ cm). Perform until the dough runs out
1. Asleep 1 sheet cake is still warm with margarine or butter
2. Sprinkle with caster sugar
3. Sprinkle with lemon juice to taste
4. Then roll like a roll cake Semprong and serve
1. 25 grams of flour
2. pinch of salt
3. 1 egg
4. 250 ml of liquid milk
5. 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1. 20 grams of margarine or butter
2. 5 tablespoons lemon juice
3. 50 grams of caster sugar
How to Make Cake Recipe ala pankeik English:
1. Stir flour and salt. Break the eggs on top. Stir.
2. Add milk little by little into the batter number 1. Stir until smooth. Add the oil and mix until dough is smooth and thickened enough
3. Heat the pan diameter 20 cm, asleep with oil. Pour batter spoonful after spoonful to make a thin omelette (less than ½ cm). Perform until the dough runs out
1. Asleep 1 sheet cake is still warm with margarine or butter
2. Sprinkle with caster sugar
3. Sprinkle with lemon juice to taste
4. Then roll like a roll cake Semprong and serve
European Recipes: Sauce Typical English Braise
Want to create dishes from Britain? Maybe this one dish that will help your problem, Braise Sauce Ala England.
Want to try a taste of this Sauce Braise?
Here I present Sauce Braise Typical English:
50 grams Carrots
50 grams Celery
50 grams Onions
50 grams pre Onions (scallions)
2 tbsp tomato pasta
1 tbsp Butter
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
Bones and beef broth
How to make:
1. Saute carrots and butter until browned.
2. Enter the onion, garlic pre (green onion), and celery. Stir-fry until evenly.
3. Enter the tomato paste, stir until blended.
4. Pour the beef broth and the bones that have been baked (roasted) and leave over low heat.
Easy is not a typical British recipe? If you still want to know more about other English recipes continue to visit this blog huh?
Grilled Salmon Food
Grilled Salmon Food Recipes
Ingredients :
* 1 1/2 pounds salmon fillets
* lemon pepper to taste
* garlic powder to taste
* salt to taste
* 1/3 cup soy sauce
* 1/3 cup brown sugar
* 1/3 cup water
* 1/4 cup vegetable oil
Directions :
Season salmon, lemon pepper, garlic powder, salt fillets.
In a small bowl, stir together the soy sauce, brown sugar, water,
Sugar and vegetable oil until it is disbanded. Place fish in a large resealable
Plastic soy sauce mixed bag, seal and coat.
Refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Preheat grill for middle bulroeul.
Lightly oil grill grate.
preheated grill, and a place to dispose of marinade salmon.
Faceted every for 6-8 minutes, or until the fish flakes easily with a fork salmon cook.
Yup...... This is it Grilled Salmon Food !!!!
Penne Pasta Chicken Mushroom
Recipes Mushroom Chicken Penne Pasta
* 250 grams of penne pasta
* 50 grams of grated cheese
White Sauce:
* 2 tablespoons butter
* ½ onion, finely chopped
* 300 grams of minced chicken
* 1 tablespoon flour
* 300 ml milk
* 5 tablespoons heavy cream
* 100 grams of button mushrooms, thinly sliced
* ½ red bell pepper, diced
* Pepper powder, salt to taste
How to Make:
Boil penne pasta until cooked, remove and drain.
White sauce: heat the butter and saute onion, garlic until fragrant. Enter minced chicken. Cook until it changes color. Add flour and stir well.
Pour the milk, heavy cream. Stir until blended, add pepper, salt. Cook until cooked and thickened.
Enter button mushrooms, peppers. Stir well and cook briefly, remove from heat.
Tata pasta on a serving plate, pour the topping over it. Serve with a sprinkling of cheese.
Okay ....... Cooking is so, Good Luck !!!!!
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